For more information contact Marentia: 0845678296
Classes start: February 3, 9h00 12h00 and 18h00 to 21h00.
February 4, 9h00 to 12h00.
Notice is hereby given that the 30th Annual General Meeting of the Gauteng Region of Ceramics Southern Africa will be held at the Tshwane South College, Centurion Campus, Pretoria on Saturday, 20 February 2010 at 09:00 for 09:30.
To coincide with the AGM:
David Walters, well known Cape ceramist, will be the guest presenter. He will give a presentation and talk on his own work and demonstrate his considerable skills on the wheel and in his decorating and firing processes. David has a great ability to inform and entertain as he works and his workshop should put us all into the right frame of mind as we develop our own work for the year.
After the AGM, David will commence the workshop with his presentation and talk. We will then break for lunch, whereafter David will commence the demonstration part of his workshop.
Refreshments will be available from 08:45 to 09:30 before the commencement of proceedings. The lunch break will be from 13:00 to 14:00. Please bring your own lunch – tea and coffee will be provided. Proceedings should conclude at approx. 16:00-16:30.