Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Jug Exhibition coming to TheSpaceBetween

TheSpaceBetweenGallery is putting on a Jug Exhibition for as large a variety of jugs as we can find including some beautiful Art Deco pieces, so if you have jugs in your studio please bring them along to our Gallery at Peta’s Place, 18, 2nd Street, Abbotsford, Johannesburg on Friday 21 April between 10 and 12 am.  The exhibition will open at 6pm on Tuesday 26 April and run until 10 May.  We will forward you an invitations to send on to your friends and family.

This exhibition will be followed later in May by a Teapot Exhibition so, once again, we would love to see what you can let us have for that exhibition. Exact date of exhibition to be supplied shortly.

If you would like to participate in either of these exhibitions, please let us know – we need to know before the end of this week, even if, in the case of the teapots, they are not yet  made or finished, we would like to know that you hope to have some to enter. 
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to call or email either myself,
Wendy Goldblatt at 082 336 3233 or 011 728 3070   or
Peta Hunter at 082 566 4026.
We take 33% commission which means you add 50% to the work to take off 33%.
We retain the right of refusal if we feel the piece is not up to standard.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Drury Brandt at TheSpaceBetween

Drury Brandt's hand built masterpieces are on show at


Please join us at the opening of Drury Brandt's geomorphically inspired sculptural ceramics exhibition

The Gallery at TheSpaceBetween
18 2nd Street

Sunday 10th April
from 11.00 am

Thereafter view by appointment
Peta 082 5664026
Wendy 082 3363233