Carolyn Heydenrych’s Workshop in Magaliesburg
Join me in my farm house for two lovely days of clay. You will build and decorate your own stoneware pot, and I will demonstrate the making of a teapot. Beginners are welcome.
The workshop will run over Saturday the 9th and Sunday the 10th of July. I will provide Teas and hot Lunches. Magaliesburg is just over an hour’s drive from Sandton, and there are a number of B&Bs close by for accommodation.
The cost of the workshop is R1 200,00
8 places only.
Carolyn is an Architect, but has decided to devote her time to ceramics. She builds vessels with strong architectural imagery, ranging from large stoneware vessels to more delicate porcelain teapots and lamps. Her tea set won the Premier prize at the CSA Gauteng Regional in 2010, and was acquired for the Corobrik Collection.
Cell No. 082 728 7829 email