Saturday, October 16, 2010

Exhibition of the full Corobrik Collection

Click on image to enlarge

Karen Murray will present final workshop of the year

Sculpture/Maquette workshop with Karen Murray – participants will build small maquettes from their own designs for future use. Please refer to page 16 of September 2010 newsletter Vol 3 Issue 4 for more information and background to this exciting technique which is invaluable. These small models allow an artist to explore form, test shapes and formulate ideas for finished pieces.

Please note: Contrary to what was said in the first message about this workshop, Karen tells us that this is not a condensed version of the earlier one, which was of portraits. This means that people who did the previous one will not be getting the same information as the first and this may encourage them to participate again. A lovely way to end of the year’s workshops!!

Venue: 6 Debussy Street Vanderbijlpark
Saturday 23 October 2010, 09:00-16:00
Cost: Members R250 – Non members R350

Bring own lunch. Tea and coffee will be available.

Each participant is required to bring at least three or more different picture references of any subject matter, ie. plant, animal or human.

Bookings: Cynthia@ 011 791 5153 or email:

Should you wish to find out more, please contact Dineke on 016 932 2173

Friday, October 1, 2010

Tanya Babb Workshop

The KZN branch are hosting a Tanya Babb workshop on 6th Nov at Kearsney college

9.00 for 9.30 until +- 3.00pm

Bring and share lunch, tea and coffee provided

Cost R250 members non members R350
Pensioners R200 students R100