We have a wide variety of raw bisque to paint and our selection of paints is vast. We do all the glazing and firing in-house, as well as grouting for mosaic items. We also cast many of our bisque items and have a selection of moulds.
We have 2 kilns in our studio and have two very experienced staff members who are both excellent artists as well as proficient in firing, glazing and casting.
Unfortunately, due to the financial recession, our business has not been doing well and we are looking at closing our shop at the end of March.
As you will realise, we have many items for sale, including moulds, bisque-ware, paints, two kilns, wooden items to mosaic and mosaic tiles (both whole and pre-cut) and mosaic tools.
We are wondering if any of your members would be interested in buying any of the above. We would need to know fairly soon as the end of March is around the corner.
In addition, if any of your members are looking for staff, I can highly recommend both employees who currently work for me.
Michelle and Kayla Ferrer
where are you situated?