Monday, December 6, 2010
Exhibition at Marina Walsh’s Sculpture Studio
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Food Wine Design Fair
Friday, November 12, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Building Architectural Towers
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Karen Murray will present final workshop of the year
Please note: Contrary to what was said in the first message about this workshop, Karen tells us that this is not a condensed version of the earlier one, which was of portraits. This means that people who did the previous one will not be getting the same information as the first and this may encourage them to participate again. A lovely way to end of the year’s workshops!!
Venue: 6 Debussy Street Vanderbijlpark
Saturday 23 October 2010, 09:00-16:00
Cost: Members R250 – Non members R350
Bring own lunch. Tea and coffee will be available.
Each participant is required to bring at least three or more different picture references of any subject matter, ie. plant, animal or human.
Bookings: Cynthia@ 011 791 5153 or email:
Should you wish to find out more, please contact Dineke on 016 932 2173
Friday, October 1, 2010
Tanya Babb Workshop
9.00 for 9.30 until +- 3.00pm
Bring and share lunch, tea and coffee provided
Cost R250 members non members R350
Pensioners R200 students R100
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Award Winners at the Gauteng Regional Exhibition
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Millstone Pottery Wood-firing Jamboree
A week-end celebrating this ancient and time-honoured firing method; for ceramicists, potters and other romantics wanting to have work fired in 3 wood-fired kilns.
Demonstrations, workshops, firings, talks, good food and much more.
Cost: R2 000 for the workshops, inclusive of food.
Nina & Paul
Email: Web: Tel: (023) 625 1599
Monday, July 12, 2010
101 Ceramics - a 2010 Exhibition
The 101 ceramics of the University of Pretoria exhibition presents a selection of ceramics originating from Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, China, South America, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Siam, Thailand, Holland, Germany, The Netherlands, France Denmark, South America and South Africa and have never before been exhibited together, nor on such large scale. This exciting exhibition showcases the diversity and uniqueness of the University of Pretoria’s Ceramic Collections This exhibition provides a view of the wide range of ceramics from nearly each continent and explains how the ceramics were shaped, fired and sometimes glazed. A large range of utensils such as pots, jars, vases and other containers are shown, but also ceramic sculptures and commemorative ware including studio ceramics by famous South African potters are on display.
Eastern Cape Calendar
“Wildly Colour” exhibition @ the Cube – Cape Town
10th August – 30th September – Delivery of works by 7th August
Late entries, contact
Ceramics Southern Africa National Exhibition – selection
Saturday 25th September – Exhibition: 10—24 October
Workshop by John Shirley
Saturday 25th September
Workshop by Jeff Oestreich
Monday 4th October
Ceramics Southern Africa – Regional Exhibition @ the Ron Belling Gallery
2nd November > end of November
Delivery of works between 15th September and 1st October
Annual Potter’s Fair
Over a week-end of November. Date to be specified later.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Ann van Hoey Workshop
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Grande Provence Gallery, Main Road,
Delivery of work: Wednesday 29 September
from 09:00-13:00
Tshwane South College, Centurion
Saturday 18 September from 09:00-13:00
(Note: 18 Sept is Yom Kippur. Jewish members
can contact Cynthia on 011 791 5153 re special
early delivery arrangements for their work)
KwaZulu Natal
Kearsney College Art Dept., Botha’s Hill, Durban
Delivery of work: Thursday 23 September
From 09:00-10:00
Eastern Cape
Ceramic Dept. NMMU 2nd Avenue Campus
Delivery of work: Saturday 25 September: 13:00
Members more than 150 km from regional selection points
Country members will be permitted to submit photographs of entries, with 3 (three) different views, for selection to their Regional selectors as listed below by no later than Friday 10 September 2010. This also applies to Regional members who live more than 150 km from their Regional Selection point.
Gauteng: Marentia Kooiman, Tel: 084 567 8296 e-mail:
KZ-Natal: Lynette Morris-Hale, 16 Dorsetshire Road, Westville Durban 3630
E. Cape: Margie Higgs, P O Box 6284, Walmer, 6050
W. Cape: Ralph Johnson, 13 Chesham Road, Claremont 7708
The Selectors’ decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into. The awards will be chosen from the selected works.
A non-refundable entry fee of R100.00 will be charged.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Traditional Hand Built Vessels Workshop by Michelle Legg
Michelle has over 25 years Ceramic experience and studied and worked closely with Nesta Nala. Michelle has exhibited her work locally and internationally and is holding a workshop for all levels of ceramicists from beginners to advanced. Take advantage of the wealth of experience that Michelle has to offer by exploring hand-building techniques made famous by our wonderful South African potters. Michelle has her Masters in Ceramic design from the University of Johannesburg.
When : Monday 28th, Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th June 2010
Cost : R 1250.00 for the full 3 day course, all materials and firings included.
Times: 10:00 am till 4pm everyday.
Includes: Expert hands on tuition by well-known Ceramic Design Artist Michelle Legg. Michelle will give a computer presentation introducing two of South Africa’s indigenous ceramic methods of construction, namely Zulu and Venda, and discuss the firing and decorating techniques. Participants will construct their own pots, decorate and burnish them. Pots will be bisc fired once dry and participants are invited to return to smoke fire their pots with the assistance of Nic Sithole. All materials required for the workshop will be provided.
Bring: Own picnic lunch. (Mr Delivery menu available and Woolworth’s is just 2 blocks away)
Loads of energy and enthusiasm to make the most of this fantastic opportunity!
Wear comfortable clothing; bring apron and special tools.
Where: Colleen Lehmkuhl’s studio (ps - underfloor heating will take care of otherwise freezing feet)
24 Old Kilcullen Road, Bryanston
(Nearest big intersection is William Nicol and Ballyclare Road, near Bryanston Shopping Centre)
Bookings: Contact Colleen or Michelle to reserve your place on this exciting course - banish those winter cobwebs!
Colleen : 073 481 0889 or 011 463 7262 or email
Michelle Legg : 083 730 0250 or email
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010
C i t y s c a p e c e r a m I c s
join carolyn for a tour through her ceramic cities from 10:30 am
on sunday 6 june at the “LIGHT FROM AFRICA” gallery
in collaboration with the LIGHT FROM AFRICA artists
light from africa gallery details
gallery hours 10am to 4pm
cecilia forest, constantia nek, rhodes drive, constantia
Tel 021 794 0291
Fully Participative Intensive Throwing Workshop
There are still a few places available for this workshop. Improve your throwing skills
with the assistance of 2 professional throwers. From throwing to turning, and
everything in between, take advantage of this wonderful
opportunity to learn from Nic Sithole and Andy Ndlovu.
Venue : The Pottery Studio, 24 Old Kilcullen Road, Bryanston.
Bring : Personal throwing tools, Lunch.
Cost : Members R200 / Non-Members R250
Booking essential through Secretary – tel. 011-791 5153 – em:
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
KZN Regional selection
This exhibition will showcase some exciting new talent . There will also be a section called Teaching Studios where members of the public can view work done by students in different teaching studios in KZN
For more information and or to book please contact Lynette on 031 266 0543 or email
Sculptural Workshop by Sarah Richards
Date: 28th August
Time: 9.00 for 9.30
Cost : R200 members: non members R300: pensioners: R150
How to make a ceramic sculpture
This workshop will give a brief and insightful demonstration on how to create a ceramic sculpture. Basic skills will be demonstrated as well as a chance to experiment on your own sculpture during the workshop. The aim of the workshop is to give the participant some insightful ideas and techniques on how to make a ceramic sculpture, from the making of the armature, preparation of the clay, modelling skills will be practiced using photographic reference, and preparation of sculpture for firing will be demonstrated.
* Demonstration: How to construct a simple armature designed for a ceramic sculpture
* Experience:
Starting the modelling process – proportions- marks and expression- working from photographs
* Demonstration: Preparation of sculpture for firing
Materials to bring:
Plastic bag ( to keep damp)
Wooden Board between 30cm to 50 cm (at least 10mm thick – if too thin will warp)
Modeling tools
Clay(preferably grogged or sculptural or paperclay)
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wet Firing & Obvaru Firing Workshop
@ Mogg's Pottery
39 Smartt Road, Nahoon
These are 2 firing tecniques introduced to me by Irish ceramic artist Jane Jermyn at her workshop in Port Elizabeth.
With her blessing in the spirit that potters share, we are holding a ceramic workshop for these firings.
Jane Jermyn, makes beautifully judged organic sculptural forms using her wet firing technique. The creations are put together using oxides, slip, basketry, thin pre-fired porcelain forms, organic matter and various clays, fired in a gas kiln sopping wet. Its a fast firing from the beginning to over 1 100 deg C, rendering beautiful colour, tone and texture in these sculptural forms.
Jane says that the elemental nature of clay excite her as do geological formations, strata and textures. She sees her work as a celebration of nature, through the transformation of clay by fire.
Participants will make their own sculptures as described above and they will be fired at the workshop. A demo will be done to give participants an idea of what its all about.
Jane has traveled extensively over the world demonstrating this technique and in so doing learnt other techniques including Obvaru firing, which involves dipping pre heated bisque ware into a batter recipe rendering beautifully mottled and organic results.
Participants need:
2 bisque pots (max 15cm)
Should you wish to make your own pre-fired thin irregular strip forms, make 3 from a white bodied clay (of about 5mm thick and between 10 & 20cm long).
Cost per;
Students R 10.00
Ceramic SA members R 90.00
(Please provide proof of membership)
Others R130.00
Includes costs of the gas and materials used
RSVP by Wednesday 26 May
Eloise ~ 082 756 5734
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
International Museum Day
18 to 21 May 2010
International Museum Day is an initiative of the International Council for Museums (ICOM). The day has been celebrated all over the world on 18 May since 1977. In 1992, the Advisory Committee decided to suggest a theme for Museum Day each year, and this year's theme is Museums for social harmony.
ICOM invites museum professionals to use International Museum Day as a platform for promoting the work of their institutions to the public, drawing the attention of supervisory bodies and governments to the role and needs of museums, and fostering dialogue between professionals and across disciplines. International Museum Day provides museum professionals with the opportunity to interact with the public and to make them aware of the challenges that museums face.
On this day, museums promote the idea that they are an important means of cultural exchange and enrichment, and developing mutual understanding, co-operation and peace.
The Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture Department of the City of Tshwane will be celebrating International Museum Day by giving the public free admittance to the Pretoria Art Museum, the Melrose House Museum and the Fort Klapperkop Heritage Site during the week of 18 to 21 May. All three these museums are managed by the City of Tshwane.
Schools and groups are welcome to visit the museums and book guided tours during this week, but bookings must be in advance as space is limited. Entrance will be free, but the guided tours have to be paid for, and schools have to arrange their own transport.
For enquiries call Godfrey Naledzani at the Melrose House Museum (012 322 2805), André Strydom at Fort Klapperkop (012 346 7703) or Mmutle Kgokong at the Pretoria Art Museum (012 344 1807).
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Ceramics Southern Africa - Eastern Cape - Calendar
It will happen during the two last weeks of May and will be for members only. There will be throwing demonstrations during the middle week-end of the exhibition. Venue to be determined.
Colour exhibition
At the cube (Rust-en-Vrede Gallery, Cape Town). 90 pieces on this theme will be displayed during August.
Ron Belling exhibition
This event will be our Regional competition: CSA-Eastern Cape Regional. Various sponsors will commit and there will be different prizes categories.
Submit 7 pieces maximum.
To be dropped off at the gallery between 15 august and 1st September.
People from far away (country members) can send pictures via email.
Opening on Tuesday 2nd of November (will run until end of November but pieces will be kept over December).
The gallery takes 25% commission.
People selected will be asked for an entry fee for costs of opening.
The pieces rewarded by prizes will still be up for sale.
This will happen in October and the selection for Eastern Cape pieces will be made in PE on +/- the 20th of September by John Shirley, the traveling selector.
• John Shirley is coming from Johannesburg on +/- the 20th of September and will give a workshop. Fees: R100 for members and R150 for non-members.
• Jeff Oestrich (the award judge for the Nationals) will be coming and give a workshop on the 3rd or 4th of October. He will either give two half days or one full day workshop. Fees: R100 for members and R150 for non-members.
Potter’s fair
The third edition of our Potter’s fair will happen on the 27th and 28th of November 2010. The venue is not determined at this stage.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Contemporary Ceramic Exhibition - Eastern Cape
The Ceramics Southern Africa - Eastern Cape Branch is having its launch exhibition "Beyond Objects", opening on the 17th May 2010 @ 6pm at the Red Earth Gallery (NMMU, 2nd Ave Campus). It will showcase more than 15 ceramic artists from the Eastern Cape.
For details, see attached invitation.
Wine and snacks will be served and a Prize of Excellence will award the best piece on show.
We are looking forward to presenting to you beautiful contemporary ceramic creations.
Please if you know people who would be interested, please foward this email to them.
Ceramic Southern Africa - Eastern Cape
Friday, May 7, 2010
Kiln for Sale
Price R9000
Contact Di Wilkinson on 082 331 3649
Thursday, April 29, 2010
For Pottery Enthusiasts, Collectors & Potters
Over 500 potters, their marks, monograms & signatures represented, including
individual Studio potters, Art Potters, ceramic sculptors & ceramic
There will be only 1000 numbered copies available, copies will be sold on a
first come first served basis, so get your order in early!
Copies are R 300 each + shipping (+/- R 20 within SA).
Orders to or by phone 021 - 782 7270 / 082 829 1186.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Studio Contents for Sale
I can be contacted on or 0829279019.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Kiln, Blunger and Production Line for Sale
12 cubic foot electric kiln
Ceramic Business for Sale
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Making Pots that Sell & Critique of Members' Work
Firstly at 9:00 - 10:00 am Deon de Lange will give a presentation on making pots that sell, ways to make your work more marketable, considering design, practicality and alternative making methods.
After a short break at 10:30 Eugene Hon and John Shirley will conduct a critique of work as they would at the University of Johannesburg, where they are both lecturers in the department of Ceramic Design. Members are asked to please bring work for discussion and feedback. We cannot guarantee that all pieces brought will be assesed but we will deal with as many as time permits.
This interactive process could offer you new insights into your work and new directions in which your work could be taken.
We urge you to take advantage of the valuable opportunity, and look forward to seeing you there. Please book with Cynthia 011 791 5253 or email.
Members R200.00 / Non members R300.00
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Western Cape AGM

The proceedings will start at 09H00 with a light breakfast followed by the meeting at 10H00. Following the meeting Esther Esmyol will give members a guided tour of the William Fehr ceramic collection.
The AGM will look back at 2009 and plan for 2010 particularly marketing and promoting the Association confirming our relevance in the new technological age.
Sculpture Workshop

Marina Walsh
Venue: Caroline Vieira’s studio : 35 Galway Rd, Parkview
Session 1:
After a powerpoint introduction to styles and approaches to sculpting a portrait,
we will sculpt a basic skull onto an armature and study its proportions .
Session 2:
Working with photographs and drawings of their chosen models, students will be guided
through the process of achieving a likeness whilst learning about the anatomy of the face.
Session 3:
Continue working on the portraits. Students may bring their models to sit for them.
Session 4:
Continued work on the sculptures, and discussions on finishes ,textures and expressions of the face.
Depending on level of completion of work, the pieces will be removed from the armature and hollowed out for firing
Or students may have the option of making a cement fondue head during weekly lessons
Dates: every Wednesday, 10th, 17th ,24th and 31st of March
Times: 6pm to 9pm
Cost: R 1500 per person including materials. Tools and armatures will be provided.
A 50% deposit will be required to secure your place
N.B.Students would be required to bring some photographs of the person they wish to sculpt
sms marina on 082 443 1033 or caroline on 082 401 4213
Or e mail:: or
There is limited space , so don’t delay in booking your place!
Studio Contents for Sale

We have a wide variety of raw bisque to paint and our selection of paints is vast. We do all the glazing and firing in-house, as well as grouting for mosaic items. We also cast many of our bisque items and have a selection of moulds.
We have 2 kilns in our studio and have two very experienced staff members who are both excellent artists as well as proficient in firing, glazing and casting.
Unfortunately, due to the financial recession, our business has not been doing well and we are looking at closing our shop at the end of March.
As you will realise, we have many items for sale, including moulds, bisque-ware, paints, two kilns, wooden items to mosaic and mosaic tiles (both whole and pre-cut) and mosaic tools.
We are wondering if any of your members would be interested in buying any of the above. We would need to know fairly soon as the end of March is around the corner.
In addition, if any of your members are looking for staff, I can highly recommend both employees who currently work for me.
Michelle and Kayla Ferrer
Studio Facilities Cape Town

You get ample personal desk space plus access to huge shared tables to work on. Our facilities include: dedicated shelves, kitchenette and kiln (firing cost applies). Located in the Biscuit Mill complex in Woodstock, there is 24 hour access and security, plus free parking after 1830. In addition we hold a monthly Open Studio Event, where we invite the public into the studio, and our artists can sell commission free.
For more information see or call Alex on 072 721 6446 to arrange to see the studio.
Equipment for Sale

made by Ultrafurn
comes with: electronic controller (6 programmes), 14 kiln shelves, lots of props.
2 years old, excellent condition
R20 000-00
Blunger, 200L.
made by Van Tuyl
elctric, plugs into wall
2 years old, excellent condition
Salt & pepper production line set-up
This includes master moulds and 50 working moulds of my 'lovers' salt and pepper sets.
This range has been extensively marketed and comes with an existing client base.
The most popular design is that of the SA flag.
I've worked really hard on this range and wouldn't like to see it discontinued - it would make me
very happy if someone would like to 'adopt' it and keep it going. I do believe that with the right marketing,
it could prove to be extremely popular!
An ideal 'filler' product to an existing production line.
I also have a variety of teaset/teapot/coffee mug/jug master moulds available, designed by myself, to any one interested?
please call Linda to discuss any of these items further.
078 236 4218
Jane Jermyn Workshop KZN

Sunday, February 14, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Ceramist Nikki Swanepoel finalist in Spier Contemporary

The artworks were selected from a national call for submissions, with artworks collected at thirteen selection centres across South Africa. The final exhibition was chosen from over 2,700 entries, which represents an increase of 10% on the submissions received for the Spier Contemporary 2007/8. The selection was made in November and December 2009 by a curatorial team of five local and continental industry professionals.
Work has begun on the Cape Town City Hall, where the first leg of the Exhibition will be held. The Spier Contemporary has commissioned architect Nabeel Essa to design the exhibition. Nabeel’s vision is to contrast the contemporary nature of the artworks against the historic grandeur of the Edwardian building.
Ceramist Nikki Swanepoel was is one of the Finalists. "Well it was a huge surprise, one could enter 5 pieces and I entered 4, including a selection of my best cattle heads (and one horse) of the past year or so (since the National in 2008). I thought the collection of heads would be too figurative for a progressive show like this, and would probably not be selected, but as these particular heads showed some of my most experimental and successful surfaces (I think), I though, what the heck, enter them. And, to my surprise, the installation with heads named "Rydiere" was selected. The second entry that reached the final is a group of four skulls I call "the First Family". All four pieces made the semi-final stage of the selections, which I was chuffed with already, so I was really happy that 2 of the 4 made the finals. Opening on 13 March in the Town Hall - it should be a special event as the Town hall is beautifual but has fallen into disuse, and is being reveived especailly for this." says Swanepoel.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Tshwane South College Pottery classes

For more information contact Marentia: 0845678296
Classes start: February 3, 9h00 12h00 and 18h00 to 21h00.
February 4, 9h00 to 12h00.
Porcelain Workshop

At the end of last year I started experimenting with different available porcelain bodies as well as making up a number of casting slips and have decided to offer a series of classes looking at exploring and working with Porcelain.
This course caters for absolute beginners and advanced students and anything that falls between these two categories. The course will be tailor-designed for each student’s individual needs.
We will also have visiting Porcelain Artists & Makers who are daily practitioners in this unique field of ceramic endeavour. Some of the people who will be visiting and sharing their knowledge with us are Katherine Glenday, Lisa Firer and Carolyn Heydenrych. Their work is featured on my gallery blog. The classes will be on a morning for three hours during the week.
Should this be of interest to you please mail me to discuss your needs and inclinations, or call (011) 726-6420.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Gauteng AGM and David Walters workshop
Notice is hereby given that the 30th Annual General Meeting of the Gauteng Region of Ceramics Southern Africa will be held at the Tshwane South College, Centurion Campus, Pretoria on Saturday, 20 February 2010 at 09:00 for 09:30.
To coincide with the AGM:
David Walters, well known Cape ceramist, will be the guest presenter. He will give a presentation and talk on his own work and demonstrate his considerable skills on the wheel and in his decorating and firing processes. David has a great ability to inform and entertain as he works and his workshop should put us all into the right frame of mind as we develop our own work for the year.
After the AGM, David will commence the workshop with his presentation and talk. We will then break for lunch, whereafter David will commence the demonstration part of his workshop.
Refreshments will be available from 08:45 to 09:30 before the commencement of proceedings. The lunch break will be from 13:00 to 14:00. Please bring your own lunch – tea and coffee will be provided. Proceedings should conclude at approx. 16:00-16:30.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Traditional Smoke Firing